While we were growing up, we always go to our parents to table our needs. And because we know they'd start processing our request, we begin to expect their response – until we get it. Sometimes, when their response is delayed, we go back to them to remind them. In meeting our needs, our parents, oftentimes go extra miles just because they can't afford to let us down. Some parents are in heavy debts today because of their children. Now, if we know how to expect our earthly parents to give us what we ask for, then why do we lose confidence in our heavenly Father?
The bible tells us that "if our earthly parents, who are naturally evil, know how to give good gifts to their children, then God is more committed to give even more to them that ask Him". God is ever ready to answer our prayers, but ninety percent of people who pray to Him never expect what they pray for. I was to teach a class about the Holy Spirit yesterday, but before I entered the class, I asked Jesus to baptize at least one person with the Holy Spirit. And before the class was concluded, fifty percent of the students received the Holy Spirit and spoke in new tongues.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; YOU MAY NOT SEE YOUR SCHOOL FEES IN THE HANDS OF YOUR PARENT, BUT THEY'RE GOING TO PAY IT. CAST NOT AWAY YOUR CONFIDENCE IN GOD, BECAUSE IT WILL BE GREATLY REWARDED. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty