Faith has no regard for your feelings. Anytime you say "I'm feeling pain", faith says "you'd have to choose between me and pain". Faith is a jealous force, it can't share your attention with any feeling. The way people feel when they are cheated is the same way faith feels when you develop feelings for pain or needs. Scripture tells us that faith is rooted in love; that literally means that if you want to see the best of faith, then develop deep love for it. If you love faith, you won't think alternatives. If you love faith, you won't think impossibilities. Impossibility is the enemy of faith.
As believers, we must give faith priority. God is pleased when He sees you with faith. Faith is highly recommended by God for every believer. Faith knows how to persuade God to stop your pains, heal your wounds, and supply your needs. So instead of developing feelings for your needs, just embrace faith and tell "her" how great "she" is. You really can't do anything worthwhile without faith.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; GOD IS ALL YOU NEED TO HAVE ALL YOUR NEEDS MET. FAITH IS WHAT YOU NEED TO COMMIT GOD TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Have a most fruitful weekend, in Jesus precious name!
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An Inspiration of The Almighty