That’s probably what the prophet told Hannah when she was moaning to have a child.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice…
If you claim to be “in the Lord”, then rejoice in the Lord. No matter how much you complain, a printer will never do a photocopy for you.
If you don’t want to rejoice, then you don’t need to be in the Lord. The only way to be in the Lord is to rejoice, just as the only way to utilize a printer is to print and not try to photocopy. Come to think of it, why would you want a photocopy when God is giving you enough room to print?
When you find yourself complaining and murmuring, then you’re abusing your place in the Lord. And if you abuse your place, you can’t get the best of God.
Even if you truly have a need, the only way to get it from God is to rejoice. Isn’t that why the bible says “with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation”? Remember that Hannah couldn’t receive her miracle until she had a joyful countenance.
“He that sitteth in heaven shall laugh”. If you do contrary, then I wonder where you’re sitting.
When people tell you not to laugh because they are discussing a “serious matter”, tell them that even in the most serious matters, the scripture cannot be broken. If you allow “serious matters” to take your joy away, then you may end up having even more serious matters. Serious matters should also be laughing matters for those who are in the Lord.
Remember, if you claim to be in the Lord, then rejoice!
God bless you, I love you, and keep rejoicing!