Believers are the body of Christ. According to John 10:10, the core ministry of Jesus is to give abundant life. And after He ascended into heaven, He continued that ministry through Believers, His body. Without a body, no one can legally operate on earth. Jesus understood this principle, and that’s why He made us His body so He can continue His ministry on the earth. That’s why a believer can lay hands on the sick and they’d recover. That’s why we can pray for the dead and they’d come back to life. Whatever Jesus did with His body while He was on earth are things we can do today, because we are now His body.
Please tell me, which devil did you say is tormenting you? Because according to scriptures, every devil trembled at the appearance of Jesus. Isn’t this why Hosea 4:6 says “God’s people are destroyed because they lack knowledge”? The devil is too small to torment the body of Christ; demons were even begging Him not to cast them out. His voice was raising the dead, now imagine what His body would do. The devil is not our problem, our problem is laziness, many Believers are just too lazy to study the truth about their Christian life. The truth is; salvation sets you free from Satan, but it is knowledge of the truth that will get you approved by him. Remember how that demon approved Jesus and Paul; it said “Jesus I know, Paul I know, who are you?”.
That’s how far we’d go on today’s Timely Note. But take these last words; IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE SHAME, THEN STUDY TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED. WALKING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH IS THE ONLY PROOF OF YOUR SALVATION. Have a most fruitful weekend, in Jesus precious name!
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An Inspiration of The Almighty