Some birds are always angry with the eagle because they can’t reach its height. So anytime the eagle comes down to their plane, they try to engage it in a fight. The eagle is a wise bird, it never engages in a physical battle with these birds on their plane. Instead, it looks towards the direction of the sun and begins to soar towards it. The eagle has two eye lids that enables it to look directly to the sun. Other birds can’t do the same, so they’d stop chasing the eagle when they can no longer bare the sun ray.
A christian also has that characteristic. Ps 34:5 says “they looked unto Him and were enlightened, and their faces were no longer ashamed”. The eagle is strong enough to defeat any kind of bird, but also wise enough to depend on the sun for victory. We’re in a world where iniquity is the order of each day; but just like the eagle, always depend on the word for victory. Those who look towards the word of God would always defeat the devil in battle. Fighting outside the word is fighting on the devil’s plane, and you’re never going to win such a fight. Always direct the fight towards the word.
That’s how far we’d go on today’s Timely Note. But take these last words; THE DEVIL CANNOT TRAP YOU AS LONG AS YOU ALWAYS LOOK UP TO THE WORD OF GOD. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!
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An Inspiration of The Almighty