“Pastor, I’ve been praying against a particular situation, but it’s almost as if my prayer isn’t reaching God. What do I do?”
There are quite a number a reasons why you might be experiencing this situation, but let me respond with something peculiar.
You see, Satan does not only fight in warfare, he also fights in courtfare. While he may not necessarily need permission from God to engage in a warfare, he’d need a ruling from the court of heaven to engage in courtfare.
As I remarked in a previous post, if the devil doesn’t let you go despite your heavy warfare prayers against a situation, chances are that he has acquired a ruling from court. And at that point, the weapons of your warfare will be ineffective.
The bible explains the jurisdiction of the weapons of our warfare. Let’s read from scriptures:
2 Corinthians 10:
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
So the weapon of our warfare can deal with strongholds, cast down evil imaginations, destroy every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and arrest every thought until they conform. Satan doesn’t need a ruling from God to engage these attacks against you, and that’s because he didn’t impose any of them on you. If you fall for any of these, you’d bare the consequences. If you also know your way out, you can engage the weapons of your warfare to be free from the consequences.
Bottomline is, Satan cannot touch you or impose anything on you except he has received a ruling or a court order. Since weapons are only used for enforcement, the weapons of your warfare will not work because he has a ruling against you. So no matter how much you bind and cast, it won’t work. This was exactly what happened to Job.
What this also means is, if a challenge was caused by falling for Satan’s deception, you can be free by engaging warfare prayers. But if it was caused by a ruling that Satan received from court, then you’d have to deal with that matter intelligently.
First you’d have to repent from whatever sin the devil may have used against you in court, then plead the blood of Jesus to wash you clean. Once that is done, then you need to make a prayer of petition. A prayer of petition is a formal prayer based on God’s word that states why you should be free from something or why you should have something.
The difference between a warfare prayer and a courtfare prayer is that a warfare prayer addresses the devil directly, while a courtfare prayer addresses God. So don’t go about addressing the devil when you should be talking to God, he won’t listen, even if you shout the name of Jesus one million times.
Once your petition is granted, God will withdraw whatever ruling He gave previously and issue a new one. At that point, Satan is expected to withdraw from attacking you. That’s why the moment God turned the captivity of Job, his restoration began, we never heard of Satan again around Job.
If Satan can’t get you into trouble via deception, he’d take advantage of an unconfessed sin and start a case against you in court. That’s why the bible warns that we should be sober and vigilant because our adversary the devil is going about looking for who he may devour. If you sin, ensure you confess it before the Lord and use the blood of Jesus to cleanse yourself, because if you don’t, you’d need more than repentance to be free from a judgment, you’d need to make a petition.
The prayer of petition is in two forms; it can either be a supplication for yourself or an intercession for someone else. Either way, as long as the content presents a case to God based on His word, then it’s a petition.
As I conclude, remember that God is all-powerful, but all His power is still subject to His word. And His word is not an exclusive reserve for Christians, it’s for all who believe. The reason why Satan can use God’s word against you is because he believes God’s word. If Satan uses God’s word against you, crying for mercy won’t bail you out, you’d need to a petition.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!