“Pastor, the year has just begun and alot of problems are stirring at me in the face already, how do I know this year won’t end up badly?”
So yesterday I taught you that God has prophetic programs or agendas for His people, and faith in this program would influence the results in your life at the given time. This prophetic program would often contain what God wants to do for you and what you must do to see its manifestation. Ofcourse, these prophetic programs would definitely come with scriptural references.
The truth is, I also had challenges that were stirring at me as the year started, in fact, I was not feeling well on the 31st night, so I couldn’t even attend the crossover service. Imagine starting the year with ill health, that’s not a good thing at all. But in all, I had confidence that I’d overcome because of what God had told me about the year. I almost didn’t write yesterday because I physically could not, but when I remembered my responsibility in God’s program, supernatural strength came upon me to write. If you are observant, you would have noticed that yesterday’s message was posted later than the usual time. But hey, God is faithful to His word, as we speak, I’m back to work.
There are two ways to battle spiritual challenges in this world; you either face it with random scriptures, or you face it with God’s prophetic program. Remember how Apostle Paul told his son Timothy to war a good warfare with the prophecies which were spoken unto him. Don’t get me wrong, you still need scriptures even in God’s prophetic program, the difference is just that you’d be fighting with a surer sense of purpose and victory.
While God would like to unveil His prophetic program to all His children, only those who search it out finds it. Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us that “the secret things belongs to God, but the ones that are revealed belong unto His children forever”. So prophetic programs are like something you inherit from God, but until you search it out, you can’t wield it. Amos 3:7 makes it clear that God will not do anything except He has revealed it.
In the heat of the Pandemic, God had spoken to me about that year. He told me that it was going to be a year of Greater Works for me. How would anybody do greater works when literally everything had shutdown? But I believed the scripture He gave me, which was John 14:12. It says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and *greater works* than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father”. I studied all the works that Jesus did and tried to imagine what Greaters Works would mean.
To my amazement, everything around me began to prosper, despite the lockdown. I made more money than I could ever imagine. Humorously, I even said I didn’t want the lock down to end. It was such an amazing year for me.
So it doesn’t matter what is stirring at you in the face, God’s program is powerful enough to overpower them. Don’t consider the challenge, believe what God has said.
One of the easiest ways to tap into God’s prophetic program is to go on a retreat. You must seperate yourself from the affairs of life first. While on the retreat, you only need to ask God one simple question, “Lord, what is your agenda or program for me this year?”. As you pray, also take out time to study your Bible. Just incase you’re not that sensitive to His voice, He can magnify a scripture in your heart. He is a merciful God.
Finally, if you still can’t tap into a personal prophetic program from God, have faith in the one that was revealed to you by your church or pastor. For instance, I attend Winners Chapel, and the prophetic program for this year is “COVENANT HIGHWAYS”. Coincidentally, what God told me about this year and what my church is running are closely related.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!