“Pastor, what does it mean to be chosen by God?”
Oh wow! There isn’t a simple answer to this, but let’s touch a few points. Ready?
To be chosen by God means to be the only chance by which God would manifest Himself in a place, territory or even space. For instance, you may go for an interview where you are not their choice, probably because there are more qualified people, yet you would be their only chance to see the manifestation of God in that organization, because you are chosen by God.
I perceive that the reason why many believers haven’t gotten jobs since they’ve been going for interviews is probably because they’ve been depending on their skills alone, and chances are that there are always more qualified people in the interviews they attend. If only they’d align with the truth that they are chosen by God, then their results would change.
Being God’s choice is the advantage that we have in this world. You may not be the most qualified for the job, but God will ensure you get the job because He knows He can gain entry into that organization through you. Thank God for your great skills, but God is more interested in the advancement of His kingdom.
That’s right! God is more interested in things that favour His kingdom. There were loads of other things that happened during the times that the Old and New Testaments were written, but they were not captured in the bible because they were not part of God’s program. Everything that favoured God was captured, even if it’s one chapter with just few verses. Think of books like Obadiah, Philemon and Jude.
Many young people have been struggling to secure admission into school, not necessarily because they didn’t do their best, but because they’ve not approached the subject of schooling with the mindset of one chosen by God to bring light to the world. Believe me when I say God is less interested in anything that doesn’t capture the advancement of His kingdom. It’s okay to want to go to school, but if the purpose is not to advance the kingdom, then you may have to process it by yourself. It’s amazing how fast we can get things done when our motive is purely kingdom.
David wasnt even the choice of his father for a prospective king, yet he was God’s choice. And because he was God’s choice, he became the only chance that his people had to see the hand of God. If David didn’t rise to the occasion, Goliath’s threat would have taken over their land. David may not have fought a battle before, but he was ready to introduce God to his people, and that was all God needed.
Be careful not to give God a silent treatment in your life. Any area of your life where God’s name is silent or not praised may suffer unnecessary battles.
Don’t get me wrong, God loves skillful people, so get skill. But let your acquisition be to advance the kingdom of God, not just for selfish gains.
Joseph’s family completely rejected his dream of ruling over them. He wasn’t their choice for a leader over them. Yet, he was God’s choice, and because he was God’s choice, he was their only chance to see the hand of God. Years later, his dream came to pass, because he was God’s choice.
Gideon was the least in his family, and his family was the least in their tribe. Yet, he was God’s choice. He didn’t have all the skills, but he was ready to favour God’s program.
Now you’d understand 1 Peter 2:9. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, and your mission is to show forth the praises of God in this dark world. That’s right! We are all chosen to show forth God’s praises in this world.
Ofcourse there are many reasons why God chooses people, but the primary reason is to show forth is praises in a place, family, territory, or space. If you understand this, then your approach towards life should no longer be selfish, but kingdom. It should be to spread the knowledge of the Lord until it fills the whole earth as the waters covers the see.
As I conclude, according to 1 Peter 2:9, we’ve all been chosen by God to show forth God’s praises in this dark world. So when you approach anything, approach it with the consciousness of one who is chosen. Getting married, getting a job, going to school, or starting a business should no longer be about you, but about what God can gain when you venture into those things. It would be far easier to get those things when you’re kingdom-minded. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God… And all these things shall be added unto you”.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!