“Pastor, my siblings and friends ignore me because I don’t have money, when will my faith in God erase this mockery?”
Sorry about how you feel, but this isn’t about when God will erase the mockery, rather it’s about when you will arise and shine your light. Let me show you a few scriptures;
Matthew 5:
14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Did you see that? You cannot be hid! It’s scripturally abnormal for your family and friends to ignore you. If they ignore you, then it’s because you’ve not allowed your light to shine before them. That’s right! They’ve not seen your light. They may have seen you pray, they may have seen you fast, they may have seen you preach, but they just haven’t seen your light. And that’s because one of the proofs of the manifestation of light is that men will see your good works.
Until they see your good works, they won’t glorify your Father which is in heaven. Thank God you can pray and fast, but the world will not give you an accolade for knowing how to fast and pray, neither will they glorify your God. However, the moment, your prayer and fasting begins to generate good works, then those who use to ignore you will come looking for you.
It’s amazing how results changes the opinion that people have about you. One moment they don’t like you, and the next moment you’re the person they like most in the world. Result is a life changer, believe me!
So, as much as I’d like to sympatize further with you, you need to start putting the grace upon you under pressure to produce results. Read your Bible, money was not the only currency that fed people, the anointing also fed people. This means that not having money isn’t a limitation, let the anointing sustain you till you have money. Under no circumstance should you be put in the corner.
In Acts chapter 3, a certain lame beggar laid daily at the gate of a temple called “Beautiful”, to ask alms from those who entered the temple. When this lame beggar saw Peter and John, he asked them for alms. Although Peter acknowledged that he didn’t have money, but he gave him the anointing. And that anointing did a miracle that a lifetime savings of that lame beggar would not do for him. Let’s see how scriptures put it:
Acts 3:
2 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple
3 Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.
4 And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.
5 And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.
6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
That’s how the man began to walk. That encounter became the talk of the town.
Who told you that you are limited just because you don’t have money? Which money did Jesus use to turn water to wine? Let’s not allow the physical currency of this world sideline the anointing, the anointing is even a greater currency when it comes to means of exchange. Which financial investment would multiply five loaves of bread and two fishes to feed five thousand people in a short time? Just imagine that, the anointing can trade where money can’t even dare.
So, the next time they call for a family meeting, attend the meeting with confidence. You may not have money currency, but you have the anointing.
Ecclesiastes 9:
15 Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.
16 Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.
Poverty is a state where a person is unable to engage in exchange of goods and services because he lacks the currency for exchange. So just because you don’t have money as a currency doesn’t mean you are poor. You may have other currencies, and they can as well do the same things that money would do for you.
However, in this world, he who has money is easily respected. Even with all your anointing, when there is crisis, chances are that they’d consult the family member who has money before they consult you. If a person is in debt, he won’t call a pastor to cancel that debt with prayer, he’d look for someone who his financially capable of bailing him out. It’s only when the issue is looking like a demonic attack that a pastor will be called.
If the lack of money can bring shame to your Christianity, then you need to have money. Jesus and Peter were about to be put to shame for tax issues, it was money that bailed them out. I’m not saying that Jesus couldn’t have as well used the anointing to avert that shame, but the fact that He decided to use money passes a strong message. Sometimes, using money would bring you greater honour in this world. At least, it would give you an entry-level honour.
Go out for evangelism, you’d be amazed how you’d be received when you offer to buy breakfast or lunch for your targets. They’d give you all their attention. I’m not sure what kind of anointing you want to perform when you get to the food canteen, but I’m sure volunteering to pay for the food of everyone would be a greater miracle. So money is important.
You may have wisdom and anointing, but you’d hardly be called when certain things are at stake. The wisdom or even anointing of the poor man is easily despised. And this is because the world doesn’t know they need the anointing except money cannot solve their problem.
If this is true, then you must stop saying you don’t have money. In this kingdom, we give to rise, even if what we have is insufficient. The more you give, the more you rise, and the more you are able to give. So visit those people that ignore you one after the other, buy them a bottle of juice or wine. It doesn’t have to be so much, but it’s the right step in the right direction. Keep practicing that until you’re able to help pay their rents, and eventually sponsor major family programs. That’s how it works!
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!