“Pastor, I really need to be hot and burning for the Lord. Please tell me what to do”
So yesterday I talked about how God handles lukewarmness. He literally spews them out of His mouth. Let’s recall that scripture:
Revelation 3:
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
I remarked that a cold person is a person who is not saved yet, while a hot person is one who is actively engaging with God. A lukewarm on the other hand is neither cold nor hot. In other words, he has been saved, but he’s not engaging in the practices that redemption demands. For this reason, God has to forcibly eject him from His mouth.
You’re probably about to ask me what a person is doing in God’s mouth. Well, it’s not a literal statement, it just means that God will either stop talking about you or start giving unworthy remarks about you. Let me show you a scripture:
Matthew 10:
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Did you see that? God can literally talk about us, and He does. Remember how He talked to Satan about Job? That’s how He talks about those who are hot and burning for Him. Speaking of burning and remaining hot for the Lord, verse 32 of that scripture gives us a hint when it said “whosoever shall confess me before men…”. This means that a person who must remain hot must actively speak about Jesus before men. The moment the name of Jesus begins to take a break in your conversations, you may be on your way to lukewarmness.
For clarity, let me show you a few things to do to keep burning and remain hot for the Lord. Amazingly, everything is written in one verse of scripture.
2 Timothy 4:
1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
So from verse 1, it is clear that the way to charge your spiritual battery is to do what verse 2 says. Let’s break the points down:
– Preach the word of God
Recall in Matthew chapter 10 we read earlier that whoever confesses Jesus before men, Jesus will also confess him before God The Father. You have to understand that the more God speaks about you, the more His grace and Spirit energizes you. John chapter 15 clearly tells us that He empowers every branch that brings forth fruit so that it can bring forth more fruits.
It’s important that we preach the gospel. Now that I think about it, the fact that I write and teach daily has contributed greatly to my spiritual growth. God wants the knowledge of His Word to cover the whole earth as the waters covers the sea, if you’re not contributing to that agenda, then He can as well spew you out of His mouth. For instance, don’t read this article for yourself alone, share or preach it to someone else. Let the knowledge of God’s word keep spreading through you. Preaching the gospel isn’t something we reserve for evangelism or the pulpit, it should be incorporated into our daily lives. Let the gospel be in your conversations with people everytime and everywhere, especially as the world speaks negatively about the economy. Preach the gospel! Nobody preaches the gospel and becomes lukewarm, it’s not possible.
– Reprove and rebuke
If your friend brings a girl to sleep with in your house, reprove him instantly. It’s better to lose your friend than to lose your fire. When you see something wrong that affects you directly, rebuke it without delay, don’t watch it. Don’t watch evil succeed when it’s in your power to stop it.
It is religious to allow evil only because you don’t want to appear harsh or hurt anyone. While reprove can be done in a kind tone, a rebuke would always be authoritative and harsh. Either way, don’t allow evil to have a free cause around you. If you keep allowing it, then it won’t be long before you lose your fire.
If your girlfriend or boyfriend touches you in a way that is tempting, reprove him or her. And if your reprove is resisted, turn it to a rebuke. Many parents have lost their fire because they watch the evil their children do instead of rebuking them. Believe me, if you don’t rebuke evil around you, you’d lose your fire in no time.
These are things we do that quenches our fire without knowing. You may pray for hours daily, but if this one is not in place, there’d be no prayer fire. You may even add fasting – which may enfire you for a while, but as long as you continue to allow evil succeed, the fire won’t endure.
– Exhort with endurance and doctrine
So after reprove and rebuke, you need to teach them the right thing from God’s word. Nobody learns anything from a rebuke until you later embrace them to exhort them.
As I conclude, I know you’ve been expecting me to mention prayer, fasting and word study. Well, I’ve just mentioned them😂. Asides the fact that you must have a consistent word study, you need to maintain a healthy prayer life and a regular fasting schedule. However, studying, praying and fasting will not avert lukewarmness without engaging in the three points I’ve mentioned. So while you study, pray and fast, also preach the word, reprove and rebuke every wrong doing around you, and exhort with sound doctrine.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!