“Pastor, how do you keep getting more and more revelations from the bible everyday, I find that very difficult to do?”
The law of giving and receiving doesn’t cover only money. Anything you give becomes easy to receive. Also, the more you give freely, the more you receive. I’ve often said that the reason why I get easy access to knowledge and wisdom is because I don’t hold it back. As a matter of fact, each time I’m reading or studying something, I picture myself teaching it to a large audience. Once that picture is established in my mind, assimilating what I’m reading becomes easy.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t study for your personal growth. The bible demands that we study both to eradicate shame from our lives and be approved in this world. The world will not approve you without a display of knowledge. The job interviews we go for or the exams we write, they’re just a way of proving what we know. So if you want to be approved in this world, then you have to study for yourself.
However, it’s easier to study for yourself when you study to impact others. Let me show you a few scriptures:
1 Timothy 6:
17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy
18 That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate
Many believers think of money when they read scriptures like this, but like I said, the law of giving and receiving isn’t limited to money alone, it’s all encompassing. If you give knowledge, you should get more knowledge in return.
So clearly from that scripture, studying for yourself alone can make you high-minded, forgetting that it is God that gives us all things richly to enjoy, including knowledge. If you’re not willing to distribute and communicate what you know, then God may have to remove you from His program. And that means that the chances of gaining access to divine wisdom and understanding would be slim.
I know writers from far back as February 2017 – when I had just written my first book. While I gave mine out for free, they put theirs out for sale. While there’s nothing wrong with selling your books, I feel that putting a price tag on certain spiritual resources will limit God’s agenda. Some of those writers haven’t authored another book since that time. Yet, I’ve authored over sixty books, which are still accessible for free. As we speak, I have several manuscripts for books that needs to be released, I have ideas running through my spirit every day, waiting to be documented. I can’t say the same for those who decided to sell their books.
Again, it’s important that you don’t misquote me. Sell your book if you have to, but ensure that it’s not limiting you and God’s program. If a price tag on a book or a CD is affecting your access to new inspirations, it’s simple wisdom to remove the price tag. I once put a price tag on a book I wrote about purpose, and I couldn’t but notice that for a long time, I didn’t receive any new idea. All I was doing was pushing that book so that I could make money. When I realized the struggle, I quickly made it free. This may not be applicable to people in the world, but the moment you become a Christian, God’s program becomes more important than anything else. And that’s because He became the new Owner of our being. Attempting to own anything about your life may put you in a box.
Galatians 6:
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
I think this is clear enough. If you sow money, you’d reap money. If you sow knowledge, you’d reap knowledge. If you intend to teach others what you’re reading, you’d definitely get access to more knowledge. As long as it’s in your heart to give, God will give to you. And the moment you give, more shall be given unto you.
As I conclude, study to distribute. Part of God’s agenda in this end times is to bring people to the full knowledge of Him. If you make yourself available, there’s nothing that God will withhold from you.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!