“Pastor, I sing well, but I’ve only been singing in my church choir for years now. What can I do to spread my singing talent beyond the church walls?”
One of the greatest things I’ve learnt about ministry gifts is that as your spiritual strenght increases, your sphere of influence also increases. We don’t force increases from the outside, we unlock it from the inside. Any increase you force from the outside will still reduce, but if the increase was unlocked from within, no devil can stop your expansion.
I think pastors should learn this, evangelism may temporally increase your attendance, but if you’ve not unlocked your increase from within you, the attendance will drop again. I used to share my articles to several groups all in the name of expansion, but the moment I understood this, I ceased from sharing. You’d never find me share my articles to any platform that isn’t mine. I focus on developing spiritual strenght; the more strengthened my inner man is, the more people are connected to my contents. I’ve seen this work like a miracle.
I think it was George Whitefield that said, “As your inward strenght increases, your outward sphere of action also increases”. Just in case you don’t know, George Whitefield was one of the great revivalists in 1740’s that took the world by storm. Although preceded by John Wesley and mentored by the same, he was a more passionate evangelistic preacher than John Wesley. It is even said that as at the time when John Wesley was struggling to accept the idea of salvation by faith, George Whitefield had become a sought after preacher in England. As at the time that the population of England was just seven hundred thousand, Whitefield pulls twenty thousand of them to his meetings – even as a young boy. Record has it that he once preached to fifty thousand people without a microphone, yet they heard.
So when people like George Whitefield makes statements like that, it should be taken seriously. Time would fail me to talk about how he invested into personal development, both intellectually and spiritually. You won’t believe that the only way he could go to school was to be a servant boy to the rich students. He’d run errands for them and paid his school fees with what he earned. If you really want to do more, build yourself some more.
Just for clarity, let me show you a few scriptures:
Ephesians 3:
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us
When you’re not growing in ministry or you no longer experience the kind of results you used to experience in your life, then you should know that there’s a decline in the power at work in you. That scripture tells us that God is able to exceed what we ask or imagine, not based on the size or magnitude of our thoughts or requests, but according to the power at work in us.
God’s word is that power! How much of God’s word do you have stored inside your heart? Can the revelation of God’s word you have inside you generate enough power to experience an exceeding abundance you desire? God’s word is quick and powerful. This tells me that even the delayed answers to prayer some Christians suffer is a result of inadequacy of the word in them, not anything else.
Jude 1:
20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost
I remember when I asked the Lord to show me His purpose for my life, this was the exact scripture He gave me. And when I asked what He meant, He said I shouldn’t worry about finding His purpose for me, I should focus on building myself in the faith, and that everything else will fall into place. True to His word, it wasn’t long before then that my purpose was revealed.
Just as you need to build up yourself to discover purpose, you need to keep building yourself to expand in purpose. Recall how Moses told Joshua to meditate on the book of the law day and night, because it would unlock his prosperity and success. You can read Joshua 1:8 for details.
Acts 20:
32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Did you see that? If what you want is an inheritance among the sanctified, then you must build up yourself by His word.
2 Peter 1:
3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
So all things that pertains to life and godliness are available to you, but they can only be gotten through the knowledge of Christ.
As I conclude, inward building is a continuous responsibility, even at old age. If you still want to be relevant at old age, the key is to keep building your inside.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!