“Pastor, the year has almost ended, and everything God promised me has not come to pass. Isn’t this a hopeless situation?”
No it’s not! But let me show you 4 things you must do so that you don’t miss out on the promise:
The bible describes Jesus as “The first and last”, “The beginning and the end”, “The author and finisher”. In other words, as far as He is concerned, what could be done in the beginning can also be done at the end. What could be done first could also be done last. And whatever was started must be concluded.
So it’s okay if He didn’t connect you to your life partner since the beginning of this year, it’s okay if He didn’t give you a job or an admission into school since the beginning of this year, it’s okay if you didn’t get those desires of your heart since the beginning of the year, they’re probably part of His end of the year agenda.
You need to keep your faith alive. Don’t mistake your last as God’s last, because God can still make abundant life out of your last. The widow of Zarephath planned to eat her last meal with her child and die. But through her faith in the prophet of God, life was added to her last meal, which eventually fed them all through the famine period.
The woman with the issue of blood had reached her last point when it came to finding a cure for her predicament. But she developed faith in Jesus and contorted her way through the crowd to touch His garment. Guess what? She received her healing. “No more hope” with man doesn’t mean there’s no more hope with God. When men say “that’s all”, God says “Let’s start”.
Peter had said “that’s all for the night” because he couldn’t catch any fish since they started. But Jesus literally reacted by saying “No way! Let’s start… Cast your net upon the deep”. When men tell you to stop, go and start with God!
So in case they’ve told you “that’s all for this year”, I have good news for you, God has just started with you. And like Peter, you’d still receive a net-breaking testimony before this year is over. All you need to do is have faith.
Abraham’s case would have been hopeful if he was just young and impotent. But no, he had reached “menostop”. Having a child was a complete hopeless situation. He had reached his last where nothing more could be done. Despite his position, he was convinced that God specializes in adding life to the last. The bible says “he didn’t stagger at the promise of God; instead he was strong in faith, giving glory to God”. His expression of joy was the proof of his strong faith in God’s promise.
Trust me, if God had promised you anything for this year, then it’s not too late for Him to perform it. You just need to keep your joy alive like Abraham did. In fact, you can’t tell me you have faith without an accompanied joy. Faith expressions without an accompanied joy is only an expression of your feelings.
While Jesus was feeling the pain from the torture and weight from the heavy cross, the bible says “… He endured the cross and despised the shame, all because of the joy that was set before Him”. He was probably using His last strength, but joy helped Him to scale through. And today, He’s the Saviour of the world.
Habakkuk reveals that “though nothing may be working; there may not be garri or rice prepared for the coming holiday season, there may not be children round your table to celebrate the season with you, there may not be a good job or a family you can boast of, but rejoice, because God will set you up on high and cause you to walk upon high places”.
Lazarus had reached his very last. He had died and had even been buried for four days. Martha said “by now he’d be stinking”; his matter had already been concluded.
But Jesus made them understand that though he may have reached his last, but there is still life in the last. And as He gave thanks to God, Lazarus who had reached his very last received life.
Don’t tell me “the year has ended already, so there’s nothing more that can happen”. No matter what you do, the days remaining in 2023 cannot be moved to 2024.
Just because the year is almost ending does not mean you’d get left over blessings. No, you can still get the best of God. God still gives His best, even at the last moments. Jesus needed to feed 5000 people, and all they could find were 5 loaves of bread and two fishes. That was the last in the whole area. But Jesus knew what to do to bring life out of the last. As He thanked God for the last, enough was provided to feed over 5000 people, even with leftovers.
God can still make something tangible out of these last days of the year for you. All you have to do is what Jesus did; thank Him for the last, and experience life from what seems to be last.
So engage in thanksgiving to God, and try not to generalize your thanksgiving; count your blessings and thank God for them one-by-one. Thank God for every single client He gave you this year, thank God for every network He created for you, thank God for every sickness He delivered you from, thank Him for every wrong relationship He saved you from. Thank Him for every moment He delivered you from trouble. Generalizing your appreciation to God may not give you access to these last days blessings.
Mordecai had reached his last moments. Haman was already heading to the king’s palace to take permission that will enable him execute Mordecai.
But before Haman could reach the palace, God had already started to work in Mordecai’s favour. Suddenly, the king was troubled; he felt guilty of something he wasn’t really sure of. And then he sent one of his messengers to bring the book of records to him. As they read it, the king heard where Mordecai’s generosity was written and enquired if honour had been given to him for what he did.
Haman was called into the palace from the king’s court, and before he could request for that permission, the king quickly asked him what could be done for Mordecai, unknowing to Haman that it was the same person he planned to kill that night that the king also planned to honour. And as Haman gave his recommendations, the king commanded Haman to execute it as recommended.
Just imagine, the same person who was supposed to close your matter was the same person who was used to start a new chapter in your life. This explains why some directors won’t go on holiday until they find a CV of someone that was submitted in their company in January. This explains why a man would travel miles away just to propose to a lady he met earlier in the year.
Relax, God can turn the final move of your enemy into something good for you, just prepare your heart for the best. Many of you will still receive mails and phone calls of breakthroughs this month.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!