“Pastor, please tell me an easy way to be delivered from any challenge”
Proverbs 11:
9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
That’s right, a Believer shall be delivered from trouble through knowledge. I’ve seen Christians go through challenges that are clearly an implication of their lack of knowledge.
There’s only one way to truly pass an exam, you have to know the answers to the questions that will be asked. If you ever see a student approaching an exam hall with confidence, that’s a student that has gathered knowledge. But if you find one that is scared, he’s simply not prepared. Preparation is simply the equipping of self with knowledge.
We all face challenges, but the reason why it appears like some people don’t really have challenges is because they equipped themselves with revelant knowledge that attacks the challenges before they even come. If you ever see a person that is overwhelmed or overtaken by a challenge, he didn’t prepare. Somebody asked Bishop Oyedepo if he ever has challenges, he responded saying, “Maybe it came and I didn’t know”.
If you spend too much time on a challenge, your knowledge is inadequate. Hosea 4:6 will now make sense to you, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.
Many Christians only begin to seek or find solutions when the challenge comes, it should not be like that. You don’t begin to read for an exam during the exam, you read for exams before the exam. Your only guarantee of success in any exam is your prior preparation for that exam
So don’t tell me you won’t have issues in your marriage. Don’t tell me you won’t have issues at work. Don’t tell me you won’t have issues in your career pursuits, and don’t even bother rebuking it. You don’t rebuke exams if you want to progress in life.
Just as you study chemistry and physics so you can pass during exams, study the scriptures to gather the knowledge required for exam success, securing a job after school, starting a business, starting a career, getting married, raising a family, living purposefully, pursuing a vision, and so on. Don’t wait till you have issues with your business before you begin to think of what to do. Bishop Oyedepo said he read several biographies of schools before he started Covenant University. So he knows what to do to avoid certain issues and even if the issues does arise, he knows what to do to resolve them. That’s why the school keeps progressing.
The implication of not preparing is that unlike career exams, the exam of life doesn’t have a time table. The sudden financial situation you have is an exam, and the financial and spiritual intelligence you’ve gathered in times past would be your first point of call. God help you if you didn’t gather any knowledge🤣. This is why many businesses don’t stand the test of time. No knowledge!
The sudden report of barreness is an exam. I know you weren’t expecting to be barren, nobody expects to be barren. But hey, life does not give you what you expect, life gives you what you demand through knowledge. So the real question is, now that they’ve told you that you are barren, what do you know that can deliver you from barreness?
There’s one similar thing about the academic school and life’s school though, you can carry over any exam you failed. So if you can’t deal with barreness when you heard the news, you’d have to carry it till you can deal with it😭. This really makes me feel bad, but it’s true.
So here’s my candid counsel, develop an organized study life. Don’t start looking for a book on marriage because you suddenly feel overdue for marriage. Don’t read today and the next time you’d pick up the book again is next month. You may have completed your formal education, but that doesn’t mean your education has stopped. If you could be compelled to go to class daily for lectures, then you can also create time daily for studying.
Let me give you an assignment. Run the next 5 years of your life as though you were in a formal school. The outcome will shock you.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone!
Remain ever blessed!