Believers are as farmers; what we sow is what we'd eventually reap. Farmers have tools for sowing and tools for reaping. Believers also have tools for sowing and reaping, except that our tools are not physical, they're spiritual and highly effective. For instance, prayer is a sower; we don't often expect God to do something we've not prayed for. But the moment we pray for something, we begin to expect it. That also makes our expectation the harvest or result. But between sowing and harvesting, farmers require other tools for nurturing.
The nurturing stage is as important as the sowing stage. A farmer that does not nurture his plants won't get much during harvest time. Praying for souls to be established is as important as praying for them to saved. Many of us need to pray like Daniel did; he continued in prayers for twenty one days until his answer came. That also means that he nurtured his plant until he received the harvest.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; PRAYER, LOVE, FAITH, JOY, PEACE, ENDURANCE, PATIENCE; ALL THESE ARE TOOLS FOR THE EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty