Accepting Christ is free, but representing Him is not. Representing Christ requires access to biblical truths, wisdom and understanding; and to access these truths, you have to buy them. In Pro 23:23, the bible says “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding”. From experience, I’ve discovered that money is not the only currency that purchases knowledge resources, time and strength are also currencies. As a matter of fact, many people who have made money don’t find time and strength to study. Don’t just show me the books that your money has bought, also show me the knowledge that your time and strength has bought from those books. It’s one thing to buy books, and it’s another thing to buy knowledge.
The same way you create streams of income, you should also create time for acquisition of knowledge. Money may buy things, but time buys money. Show me a man who invests time to acquire knowledge, and I’d show you how much money he has bought to himself. Today, people contact me from far and near to enquire on how they can send financial blessings to me; not because I gave them money, but because I gave time to something that is worth paying for. If you won’t invest your time to get knowledge, then you’d pay someone who has already invested time to acquire the knowledge you need. Today, the internet has made knowledge resources freely available; but the fact that knowledge resources are freely available doesn’t mean knowledge is freely accessible, you’d still need “time” to buy it.
That’s how far we’d go on today’s Timely Notes. But take these last words; THE BEST WAY TO MAKE MORE MONEY IS TO GET MORE KNOWLEDGE. WHILE MONEY MAY PAY FOR A CLASS, IT IS TIME THAT ACTUALLY BUYS KNOWLEDGE FROM THAT CLASS. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!
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An Inspiration of The Almighty