“Pastor, I’ve been struggling to write another book since I published the first one. Even the first one I wrote is struggling to bring profit. What could be the problem?”
I know there are thousands of coaches out there who can give you a far better counsel in this area, but perhaps this would help you break off that limitation.
One of the things I tell people who participate in my Inspirational Writers Mentorship Course is that inspirational writers have no business with writer’s block.
Writer’s block is a non-medical condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author is either unable to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. Writer’s block has various degrees of severity, from difficulty in coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce work for years. Again, an inspirational writer doesn’t have any business with writer’s block.
You can’t imagine the severity of questions and prayer requests that billions of people around the world make to God on a daily basis. Yet, God is obligated to provide answers to all of these people. As much as He’d like to, He can’t reach all of them, obviously because some people lack the sensitivity to receive from God. Although they prayed, but they don’t know how to receive what they’ve prayed for.
Knowing this, God will take advantage of any available medium to reach them, including inspirational writers. I remember an encounter I had a few years ago while I was praying, it was as though God gave me a privilege to hear the various requests and supplications of people that were coming to Him at that moment. It was so emotional that I wept, begging God to help them so that they won’t die😂. I couldn’t even stand properly during the prayer. I wept from my belly.
When He released me from that encounter, it suddenly dawned on me that I had alot of work to do for God’s people. It’s one of the reasons why I write one article daily. Even at that, I still feel a vacuum within that hasn’t been dealt with. It’s always as though I shouldn’t stop writing. If I totally yield to that vacuum, chances are that I’d be writing a hundred articles daily😂.
Honestly, I wasn’t joking when I said God is obligated to provide answers to everyone who calls on Him, and He would use any medium. Just as I’m concluding one article, another idea is building up in my spirit. That’s clearly God giving me the answer to someone’s question. Amazingly, the kind of comments I read from people who read my daily articles validates this truth. Some of them would say things like, “This was for me”, “I just finished praying to God about this matter, I’m surprised He answered me through you”, “You just took a burden off my shoulder”.
Having said that, one of the things that may cause you to stop receiving inspiration as an inspirational writer is the restriction you put on accessing the knowledge or inspirations you’ve already received. Whether you believe it or not, each time you put a price tag on a book or article, you’ve placed a restriction on it. Which means it’s not everybody that can read it. If this is the case, then the chances of God partnering with you is low. I started practicing this since 2017, and asides writing daily that year, I also wrote 27 books. I can’t forget 2017 in a hurry.
I strongly believe that one of the reasons why I was able to write that amount of books is because I kept giving each one out for free. I even created a website with my money to make the books easily accessible. The more I gave knowledge, the more knowledge I received. I’m privileged to be one of the teachers of the gospel who you’d often read fresh revelations from, not because I did anything special, but because God knows I won’t hold it back. The revelation may be scarce or new, but that’s only in our human eyes. In God’s perspective, it’s a knowledge that would deliver someone from trouble. If that’s the case, you’re required to spread it without restrictions.
I remember how I tried to sell one of my books in 2019, the revelation in that book was scarce and I innocent thought that only those who really wanted it should get it. You won’t believe that getting inspiration became difficult for me from that day. When I realized it, I quickly opened it for free. Till date, I’ve authored close to sixty books. Isn’t God amazing?
A close friend once told me that my books would lose market value if I kept giving them out for free. He also said nobody places value on free things. Today, I’m one of the most read authors. Although my books are free, but people still send me seeds for reading my books. Yet, “people don’t place value on free things”.
I may not make money from writing articles or books, but they give me relevance in the society each day. And just in case you don’t know, relevance is one of the capitals that buys money. Today, people trust me to handle projects for them, not necessarily because they know me personally, but because they read my articles. My relevance has built trust in their hearts.
As I conclude, please sell your books if you feel you need to, especially if you’re printing them. At least you need to cover the cost of printing. However, if you truly want to go far with God, you may need to place priority on service.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!