“Pastor, how do I meditate on God’s word? Do I keep reciting the scripture or thinking through it in my mind?”
First you need to understand that the reason why we meditate on scriptures is to gain spiritual understanding. The bible is a spiritual book, and attempting to benefit from a spiritual book with a logical or scientific mindset may frustrate you.
Some scriptures may even appear as something common sense can explain, but common sense has dispossessed many believers of their possessions. Was it not common sense that gave Satan a good leverage to deceive Eve? If Eve had spiritual understanding of her position, she would have known that she was already perfect, and there was no need to eat the forbidden fruit to be a perfect creature. But she used common sense.
Many believers are living in sin today because of common sense. If they were Jesus who was hungry after forty days in the wilderness, they would have turned that stone to bread at the recommendation of Satan. If Jesus had used common sense to respond to Satan, the possibility of redeeming the world would have ended that day. But not Jesus, he had spiritual understanding of scriptures. He knew when a scripture should be applied and when it should not.
Today, if you ask a Christian why he married more than one wife, he’d tell you that Solomon married seven hundred wives. Ask a Christian why he lied, he’d tell you that Abraham also lied about his wife. Ask a Christian why he gets angry too frequently, he’d tell you anger is not a sin as long as it doesn’t cross over to the next day. Common sense is an enemy to spirituality!
It was because of common sense that Apostle Paul feared for believers. In 2 Corinthians 11:3, he said, “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ”. Did you see that? Your mind can easily be corrupted by Satan if you approach the bible with common sense. But when you have spiritual understanding, corruption would be impossible.
So, to meditate on God’s word, maintain an inquisitive mindset. Don’t ever settle for common sense. Be like Moses who saw the bush and turned to find out why it wasn’t burning. Let’s see how scriptures put it:
Exodus 3:
2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.
4 And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
Did you see that? So when you see a scripture that isn’t in alignment with the results in your life, ask the Holy Spirit “why”. Why did Phillipians 4:19 say God will supply all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus yet I keep living in lack and want? Why did Isaiah 53:5 say I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus yet I keep falling sick? Don’t just go about quoting scriptures you don’t understand spiritually, it won’t produce results. From experience, if you have spiritual understanding of a scripture, you may not even need to quote it in times of trouble, and that’s because it becomes a part of you.
So keep asking The Spirit and trust Him to reveal it to you. The moment you approach the scripture with this mindset, the Spirit of God will begin to grant you spiritual understanding.
Let me conclude with this example; I was on my way to work many years ago when I suddenly stumbled on the word “Givers never lack”, it’s a word coined from Proverbs 28:27. I kept saying that word in my mind, and if I’m to count, I must have said it up to 30 times. All of a suddenly, I heard a voice say, “… And lackers never give”. It came as a shock, in fact I was almost hit by a motorbike. The voice continued by saying that “if you lack in any area of your life, then it’s because you don’t give in that area”. It was that revelation that taught me to give more deliberately. So I knew I won’t lack revelation because I give revelation. I knew my children would receive gifts from people because I gave gifts to other people’s children. So the subject of having children wasn’t a debate, I already knew I’d have children because I gave to children. I knew my wife will not be stressed during child birth because I literally drove a pregnant woman to the hospital. I knew I would never lack money because I give money. Believe me, I’ve never lacked anything I give.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!