“Pastor, how do I find my purpose in Christ? I’ve been struggling in my career and I strongly believe it’s because I haven’t found my purpose in Christ”
So yesterday I remarked that the equation for financial prosperity for a Christian is different from that of the world. The world only needs to passionately pursue their dreams till they develop products and services that can be monetized. But as a Christian, the first thing you must do after your salvation is to find your purpose in Christ. This is because, just because you studied Engineering in school doesn’t mean you have to work with an oil firm. God may want you to be a pastor who would use his engineering skill to build world class structures that will attract the world to the kingdom. So according to Ephesians 1:11, the moment you receive Jesus into your life, you obtain an inheritance – which is a purpose that God had predestined for you.
I also made it clear yesterday that the man from Adam and the man from Christ are two different people. The man from Adam had a simple purpose, and that’s to have dominion over the earth. That’s why you probably got a job in Chevron after you got a first class in Engineering. That’s why your tireless drive towards actualizing your dreams has made you become very successful. The man from Adam can choose his career path and still become successful in it. This is the explanation to the wealth of those men who you know are not saved yet.
However, since the fall of Adam, God’s priority has been to restore order and reconcile His creation to Him. He sent many prophets before He finally sent His only begotten Son, Jesus. Once Jesus succeeded, He became the leverage through which God redeems the world back to Himself. So the moment you become a man in Christ, your first class in medicine may serve a different purpose. For instance, I’m told that Dr Paul Enenche and his wife are both medical doctors, yet they are pastors of one of the largest churches in the world. Their medical skill wasn’t for the hospital, but for the church. The skill was meant to reveal the depth of health challenges a person can be in and to receive the required anointing to destroy them. Same skill, but different applications.
It’s true that the reason why many Christians are struggling is because they’re pursuing their personal dreams instead of finding their purpose in Christ first. I studied computer science and worked as an IT Support Technician for several years. But the moment I came into Christ, I realized that I had an explicable vacuum within me. The money I made was no longer satisfying. After struggling with that feeling for a while, it occurred to me that maybe I wasn’t doing what God wanted me to do. So I decided to resign from my job to seek God’s face. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have just taken a leave from work instead of resigning😂. But then again, I may not have found God since I still had an alternative or something to fall back to. If you want to find God, you have to do it with all your heart.
So as I resigned, I enrolled in a 6 weeks bible school – which eventually took me 3 months to complete. During the program, I had only one prayer point, “Lord, show me your plan for my life”. It still amazes me how I never bothered about God’s plan for my life before that time. Long story short, God showed up and my purpose in Christ was revealed. He told me to add value to lives by propagating applicable knowledge to His people, which means He wants me to be a teacher. When I asked him where He wanted me to execute that assignment, He clearly told me that my platform will be online. That’s how I became a social media pastor that you all know today😂. The same computer skill, but a different purpose in Christ.
Stop trying to choose your own way, Psalm 47:4 clearly tells us that, “He shall choose our inheritance for us…”. The riches you desire are in His purpose for you. Take out time to ask Him what He wants you to do.
Speaking of inheritance, Apostle Paul further reveals how we can find our purpose in Christ. In Acts 20:32 he says, “And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified”. That’s right! There’s something about God and His word that can both build you up for His assignment and give you your purpose or inheritance. The more you seperate yourself to pray and study the word, the closer you get to discovering that purpose.
Now that I think about it, if discovering your purpose in Christ means receiving your inheritance, then imagine how prosperous you’d be when you finally receive that inheritance. God has an inheritance for you, but it can only be attracted by walking in your purpose in Christ.
So, do whatever is necessary to discover your purpose in Christ. I won’t encourage you to resign from your job, but if the thought of your job will hinder your concentration, then you may need to. Once you find your purpose, you’d certainly get another job. The only challenging time you may experience is that period you invested in finding God’s purpose for your life. That’s right! Three months without a job wasn’t very rosy for me, but the sacrifices of those 3 months has established me on all sides.
Disclaimer! Except you have a deep conviction about it, don’t resign from your job without proper counseling.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!