“Pastor, today is the first day of the year, what do you think I should spend my time doing?”
Do what God did in the very beginning. Genesis 1:1-3 says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”.
On the first day, God saw that the earth was without form and void, and He said “let there be light”. Though He had previously created heaven and earth, but the earth didn’t conform to His plan, so He had to change it. If you’ve seen anything in your life that doesn’t conform to your plan for this year, then you need to speak to it.
Light will never come on until its control switch is activated. 1 John 1:5 describes God as light, and we know that the entrance of the word of God gives light. Which also means that as you begin to speak the word to the year, you’re simply creating light, and at the same time welcoming God to abide with you for the rest of the year.
The light that God created was useful to Him all through His work period; as a fact, we’re still using that light today. You need to see clearly to enjoy the blessings of the Lord this year, and the only way to see clearly is to be adequately illuminated. The reason why many people don’t get anything from God in a whole year is probably because they don’t see clearly, they are lightless! You can’t be filled with light and not be full of life. Nations would naturally come to you, great men and women would naturally be attracted to you, you’d become favour-filled, all because you carry light.
God needed to speak to create; this means that in other to create, you must speak! So start speaking into your year.
After God created light, He began the second day by doing something very important, He seperated land from the waters, and the heavens from the earth. Let’s see how scriptures put it:
Genesis 1:
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
We need to create a separator in our lives. We need to separate our friends from our acquaintances, our work from our job, our lifestyle from our faith. There are many people who mix their valuable and non-valuable friends together, and that’s why they never see the value of those friends. We must be able to separate our job from our profession. Separation is so important because, if we can’t separate our vision from our ambition then we’d end up living in confusion.
After separating those things which “you are” from the things which “you are to be”, then you can start rebuilding. There are many people who have turned their pastor into their friend; if we ever want to enjoy the anointing on our pastors, then we must separate pastoring from friendship.
Some people now treat their parents like their colleagues at work; when their parents talk, they quickly talk back at them. I believe God needed to know which one is heaven and which one is earth, that was why He created the firmament. There are many people whose favourers are just next to them, but because they’ve not separated their favourers from their enemies, they feel everyone next to them is an enemy.
There are many husbands that do not know the difference between a wife and a house maid. A wife is not supposed to be a maid to her husband; rather, she’s to preserve his home.
God saw and separated, you also need to see to separate! What you can’t see cannot be separated!
Once you’re done seperating, hit the road, and start working; the holiday is over. The earth was already bringing forth fruits after its kind on the third day of creation. If that’s the case, then you should have started making some level of investment by now.
If you spend all your holiday period to rest, then how will you pass the tests of 2024? God rested for one day, but that’s after He had finished the work. There was no record that Jesus rested; even when He tried to sleep in the boat, He arose the moment work came. I remember how He questioned His disciples because they couldn’t stay awake for one hour, all in the name of rest.
Diligent people rest because they are tired, not because they are on holiday. I may have gone on holiday, but the holiday didn’t change my commitment to work. It didn’t even change the time that I wake up daily. I work, and when I’m tired, I rest. And after resting, I resume work, the holiday notwithstanding. That’s how diligent people succeed.
Therefore, start working! If you’ve not officially resumed, find something profitable to do. Buy books and read them until your official resumption day.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Happy new year and remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!