“Pastor, does it mean I cannot walk with God if I can’t contribute money? Because it’s always about money and contributions in my church”
Whoever told you that God needed your money in the first place gave you a wrong impression about Him. You may be surprised to know that money isn’t even one of the tools we use to trade while building a relationship with God. God doesn’t need our money; if He did, then all the rich men in the world would have been given a special place in His kingdom.
Everything God has done for man since the fall has been in hope to receive one thing from man, our heart. That’s right! God wants us to give Him our heart, so that we can be completely yielded to His purposes.
You have to understand that there’s no amount of money we can give to God that He’d prefer to a renewed heart. Jesus clearly stated that there’s nothing a man can give in exchange for his soul.
Read your Bible, there are two things that made God take a man before their time, money and a perfect heart. We’re told that Enoch walked with God and he was not found because God took him, yet the rich fool was taken because his soul had been greatly corrupted by his money. Also remember the rich man that had the opportunity to fix his heart by taking care of poor Lazarus, but instead he allowed his dogs to feed on Lazarus’s wound. Lazarus was his opportunity to work on his heart, unfortunately, he didn’t, and he went to hell.
If God can’t get your heart, then all your money can be thrown into the trash for all He cares. I know this is a very hard saying, but it’s true. Many people feel they can bribe God with money. They live a carnal life and believe that if they make some huge sacrifice to church, God will overlook their excesses. If you are like that, then be warned by this message, so that you don’t become like the rich fool.
As much as you work on making money, also work on making your heart right with God. It’s only when your heart is right with God that your money and sacrifices can be acceptable and useful to Him. Don’t be deceived, just because you dropped your money in the offering basket in church doesn’t mean God accepted it. The church may even use the money, but it still doesn’t mean The Lord accepted it. You cannot give money in exchange for a wrong heart.
I’ve heard people say, “I want God to use me”; but the truth is, God only uses those who have sanctified their hearts for Him. God won’t use you because you said you are available, He’d use you because He can see your availability.
Speaking of not having money to give God, I don’t believe that to be true because everybody has certain things he considers treasurable. There are many people who will give anything just to ensure that their treasure house is safe. Men naturally put their hearts into what they consider treasurable. If you consider God treasurable, nothing else will matter but God.
Anything you can’t give to or for God is unveiling a treasure you’ve not given to Him. A person who considers God treasurable on all fronts will never have a hard time giving God his heart.
God bless father Abraham, a perfect example of a man who had a heart for God. His son was his treasure but God was his treasure house, and he wouldn’t hesitate to give his son to God. Be careful how you ask God to use you, because it will cost you the things you consider treasurable. Check those who are greatly used by God, they’re people that won’t withhold anything from God.
When the bible says “Give me your heart”, he simply means that you should redirect the things you consider treasurable to him. Bishop David Oyedepo has often shared how he went to worship God alone in a church, and while he was at it, God asked him what he had brought for Him. He took a deep thought and figured out that the only possession he had was his salary that was yet to be paid. Amazingly, he offered that salary to God – even before he was paid. Why won’t God use him to do great exploits in the world?
Anybody who wants to walk with God must first work on his heart. So the reason why I give sacrificially is to yield my heart towards God the more.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!