If God has asked you to be a writer, don’t start doing videos because people don’t read anymore. God has a purpose or a reason for every assignment He gives us.
For instance, the Bible, which is the greatest and wisest book, is still in a written form. If all the inspirational writers turn into video creators, I fear that the reading culture of believers will not be preserved.
I do not see a future where the bible will be translated into videos, even the audio bible that we have today isn’t very effective. The written word or letter is still the most effective way to get correct revelation. There’s something about beholding the written text that inspires the spirit of man.
I get alot of requests to do videos or at least convert my articles to audiovisuals, but hey, God doesn’t want an alternative to my writings. And I strongly believe that one of the reasons is to preserve the reading culture of His people. Our people have no problems watching a sermon on YouTube or listening to an audio message on their phone, but when it comes to opening their bible or a book to read, it’s always a difficult task.
Malcolm X once said, “if you want to hide something from black people, put it in a book”. Considering the generation that we’re now in, that quote is true, not just for the blacks, but whites also. If you want to hide anything from young people today, just put it in a book. Your secret can only be safe in a book, as far as this generation is concerned.
I read a story of how a father wrote his last will and kept the portion that belonged to the son in a bible. While the lawyer read the will and distributed every other person’s inheritance, the only thing that was given to the man’s son was the bible. The boy was angry, dropped the bible in his shelf and never opened it for many years. His anger for his late dad made him venture into many terrible things. Finally, he encountered the Lord and wanted to go to church. He unboxed the bible, and to his amazement, there was a letter in the very first page. That letter contained everything that was willed to him, including the father’s companies.
When the lawyer read the will, it sounded as though the father willed the companies to the executives of the company. But in actual fact, they were to manage the company until the boy finds that letter which is in the bible. Long story short, he got his inheritance.
Now that’s natural, imagine the quality of inheritance you’d find if you sit down with your Bible and study. There is so much that God has willed to us, and they are written within the pages of the Bible. As much as I’d like to make it easier for you to access them, audio or video bibles may hide some details that only the Holy Spirit can reveal to you. Everytime you think of your Bible, think of that boy. There’s nothing that could be done to convert that letter to audio or video, he had to open that bible by himself. We all have to develop a habit of reading the Bible by ourselves, so that we can see our own inheritances.
I’m a counselor, and I get cases daily. Just yesterday, a lady expressed how she has really suffered in this life and she doesn’t know what else to do. According to her, she has asked God over and again, but God doesn’t talk to her. I honestly felt pity for her as she explained, but just one question put me off, “Do you read books?”. You guessed her answer right, she doesn’t. She hasn’t read a book in ten years.
How then do you hear God? The Bible and other spiritual books would teach you how to hear from God, but if you don’t read them, how then do you know when God speaks?
There’s no case that has come to me that doesn’t have a root in lack of reading. I pray at night, but no matter how many hours I spend praying, I still take time to read afterwards. When I wake up in the morning, I still read my bible. Why wouldn’t I be different from you? I know my inheritance and I walk in them, but you’ve chosen to watch videos and sermons alone. The more complicated ones are those who just watch Shots and Reels on Tiktok or Instagram. Shots can only help you for a short time, and Reels aren’t actually real life😂.
Please, before you watch a Christian video on Reels, read a real bible or a Christian book. You have to be aware that not all inspirational contents are related to your inheritance. Just because the video inspired you doesn’t mean it’s your inheritance. Read your Bible! Read your Bible! Read your Bible!
And just in case you don’t know how to read your Bible to gain wisdom, luck is on your side today. I’d be kicking off a weekly bible study guide today where every participant would be given opportunity to both read and explain what they understand from the assigned bible books for that week. From their explanation, I’d show them areas they may not have considered to further expand how they perceive and understand the scriptures.
If you’re interested, I’d share the Solutionists Whatsapp group link in the comment section. The zoom link would be shared there, and the official launch is happening by 7pm today. I can already tell that lives will be transformed by this.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, and see you at 7pm!