So just this last Saturday, while I taught The Solutionists Forum on how much importance God places on living by His Word, The Holy Spirit expanded a scripture in my heart in a way that it made so much spiritual sense. Let me show you the scripture:
2 Tim 3:16 (GNT)
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living,
Did you see that? All the scriptures you see in your Bible were inspired by God. In other words, every scripture you find in the bible is not there by mistake, God wanted it to be there, whether it’s a bad thing or a good thing. So whether it’s a book written by Apostle Paul or a book written by Moses, God inspired everything they wrote for the bible.
Having understood that, the first thing the Apostle admonishes us to use the scripture for is teaching the truth, and then rebuking errors, correcting faults, and giving instructions for right living. Let me analyze those four points one after the other.
The bible is a book of truth, and if we align ourselves to its wisdom, we can live a truthful life. Many people are living in lies and falsehood, yet they don’t even know it. Some may know it, but they don’t really know what the truth is.
If I’m to rephrase that statement, it’d say “teach yourself the truth” or “tell yourself the truth”. Unfortunately, believers these days wants to tell every other person the truth except themselves. You’d find a young believer who only became born again yesterday and has read a few chapters of the Bible challenging a father of faith all in the name of “telling them the truth of scriptures”. They’ve been so blinded by removing the dirt in someone else’s eyes that they can’t see the moth in their own eyes. Many of you know them, they express themselves with so much bitterness and anger, things that are not fruits of the Spirit. If only they’d focus on teaching themselves the truth, they won’t have time to so desperately want to teach others, especially those who are higher them them.
If there’s anything I’ve learnt about teaching myself the truth or telling myself the truth, it’s that I never have time to monitor those who are not doing same, and that’s because there’s always something else to teach myself from scriptures. I don’t know all there is to know yet from scriptures, so I have to sit down and teach myself the truth. It is out of the abundance of what I’ve taught myself that I share with people, which can only happen out of love.
When you read from me or listen to me and you don’t feel love or illuminated, then I wasn’t communicating from what I’ve taught myself. God is love and God is light; these are the major attributes that reflects on a person who teaches himself the truth of scriptures.
Don’t live in lies, nobody wants to relate with people whose livestyle are not true.
That’s right! The scriptures can also save you from committing errors or making mistakes. I’ve been in situations where I was about to take a decision and I remembered a scripture from the bible. Once I did, I quickly rebuked myself or refrained myself from doing it. I’m sure many people have had a similar experience (Please share your experience in the comment section if you have).
Just in case you’ve committed the error already, the scripture is also useful for correcting errors or faults. No matter how faulty a man or a woman’s life has become, the scriptures can correct that life, believe me. There’s nothing faulty that cannot be corrected by scriptures.
Perhaps you did something really wrong and people who know you have continued to condemn you for it, don’t worry, all hope is not lost. Sit down with your Bible for 6 months, you’d be amazed how much correction you’d receive from scriptures. You may look wrong to people right now, but the scriptures will make you right with them.
Nobody may be willing to employ you right now because of your past, but don’t worry, sit down with the scriptures. Your life will be so corrected that the same people will be looking for you. The scriptures can correct even what correctional centres cannot. Correctional centres may correct your habits and addictions, but the scriptures corrects more than that, it corrects even your relationships and connections. (If you spoke in tongues when you read this part, I did too).
Finally, the scripture can give you instructions for right living. Read the book of Proverbs for instance, you’d find multiple instructions that would help you live right. If people complain that you’re not living right, don’t go too far, just carry your Bible and read. You’d be amazed what would become of you in few months.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!