One of the greatest truths you’d come to discover is that just because you declared a scripture doesn’t mean it would work. Darkness only responds to light which is birthed from revelation, and certain revelations cannot come to you until you untangle yourself from the affairs of this world and engage in a committed search for a word that would lighten the situation first in your heart. Scriptural truths cannot work for you until there’s scriptural light in your heart. Scripture clearly tells us that no man wars and entangles himself with the affairs of life.
Some people declare scriptures in fear, whereas scriptures should be declared from a standpoint of light and understanding. You don’t try scriptures to see if they’d work, you declare them because you know they’d work. The moment there’s a little doubt in your heart, then it won’t work.
If the challenge dissapeared the moment you declared those scriptures, then it means your light overweighed the darkness the challenge brought. But if the challenge remains and even gets worse after your declarations, then it means you need to go for more light. It’s not that the scriptures you knew and declared weren’t true, but that they weren’t rightly lighted for the darkness you’re battling.
I once had a migraine that lasted for four days. Between the first day and the third day, I declared all the scriptures I knew, but the situation seemed to grow worse. It became so bad that I had to use a pain killer by the evening of the third day. The ache persisted all through that night, and it was unbearable. I got very upset with the situation by the morning of the fourth day and told God that there had to be a way out. Knowing this, I took my bible and isolated myself somewhere to search for that way out.
As I searched, I encountered John 8:31-32, which is a scripture I’ve known since I became a Christian. It says, “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. The moment I saw the last statement, it was as though a spirit being was asking me if I knew the truth. Suddenly, a holy anger arose in my heart, and then I reacted saying, “But I know the truth, by the stripes of Jesus, I have been healed”. The next thing that came out of my mouth was a command, “Headache, GO NOW!”. The migraine dissappeared instantly.
Believe me, I had quoted and prayed with Isaiah 53:5 during the first 3 days, “By His stripes, I am healed”. But nothing happened. And the reason why nothing happened was because that scripture needed light or illumination within my spirit to work. Once light comes, every other scripture would begin to work.
Imagine that God attempted to create man, animals and the plants before He created light, it would have been a hopeless situation. As a matter of thoughts, it would make the matter more complicated. God had to create light first, and then every other creative word He spoke from that moment returned with good report.
So when the word isn’t working for you or if it appears as though your matter gets complicated after applying the word, then it means you need to go for light. Once light comes, it should become easier to solve the problem. The reports should be good from that moment.
The entrance of light may not erase the effect of darkness immediately, but you’d begin to see changes or good reports from the moment light enters. The effect of darkness didn’t leave immediately after God said “let there be light”, but He continued to see good results for every effort He made after light came. Again, if the challenge continues to escalate, then you haven’t found light. Once light comes, it should only get better by the day.
Also note that the word that would bring light may not necessarily be a bible verse, it can as well be a word of knowledge or word of wisdom from an anointed preaching or book. Notice that the light that God first called wasn’t the sun, yet there was day. Which means the sun isn’t necessarily what gives us day, it just rotates day and night so that we can have times and seasons. The word that lighted my path to financial fortune was from a preaching by Bishop David Abioye. It wasn’t a scripture at all. But it is because of that word that every scripture I’ve applied concerning financial prosperity now make sense to me.
I hope this has brought enlightenment to someone.
Remain ever blessed, in Jesus precious name!