There are two many Mouth-workers in the world, and we really need to be careful with such people. Their hands work lesser than their mouth. They use their mouth to say everything they will do, but with time you'd discover that what they've done is one percent compared to what they've said.
A nation that wants to advance shouldn't lookout for Mouth-workers, but Hard-workers. Many nations are still underdeveloped because they ignorantly elect Mouth-workers into power.
Time has unveiled this truth over and again, but it seems many people have closed their ears to what time is telling them. We must understand that, true change can only come by application of truth.
There's a difference between "what you can do" and "what you have done". You may never get the opportunity to do what you can do; but there is a supernatural force that compels you to continue in the light of what you have done. Choose a leader that has done something the world speaks about, and not a leader that can do something he speaks about.
God bless you, I love you, and do enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Emeka Anslem
Bringing knowledge to the people